The pronoun ( On) is used in the french language. However, it could be as a subsitution of the other pronoun nous! We can understand that ( nous) means We in the english language. Most likely, the prounoun (On) also means (We) in the english language.
Example of the sentence using (On)
On peut acheter les bonbons au supermarché.
Meaning in English
We can buy candy at the supermarket.
The other thing that (On) has another meaning besides( We) in the English language. The other meaning for (On) in the English language means (One). Not saying that it means the number one in the English language, but it speaks about one person, rather it was he or she!
On doit obéir aux règles du pays
Meaning in english
One must obey the laws of the land
Those who don't know where (on) is supposed to be conguated. It is conguated among with the pronouns( il/elle).Those who don't understand this part. We will use the verb avoir meaning( to have)
j'ai - 1st person singular
tu as - 2nd person singular
Il a - 3rd person singular
Elle a - 3rd person singular
On a - 3rd person singular
Nous avons - lst person plural
Vous avez - 2nd person plural
Ils ont - 3rd person plural
Elles ont- - 3rd person plural
Always remember that (on) is always conguated with the 3 person singular in the verb. It is never congutated for any other forms in the french language.
ReplyDeleteFor someone writing about grammar in another language, your English grammar is terrible. It's very difficult to understand. Perhaps you should brush up on your English before you try to teach us other languages!