Monday, March 22, 2010

On vs. Nous in the french

In the french language, the pronouns On and Nous means (we). Even though they both mean (We) in the french langauge! They are not used in the same category of persons in the language! To understand where this is coming from, we will look at the first, second, and third persons in french.

First person singular (Je)

Second person singular (tu)

Third person singular (Il)

Third person singular (Elle)

Third person singular (On)

First person plural ( Nous)

Second person plural (Vous)

Third person plural (Ils)

I. The pronoun (On)!

The French pronoun (On) does mean (we) in the english langauge! However, it is not used as first person plural as (Nous),but it is used as third person singular! Let's look at in example

On voit les joujou au magsin.
meaning in english
We see the toys at the store.

Note: (On) is the pronoun, and (voit) is the conguated verb for (voir)! If one is confused, let's conjuate the verb voir among with the pronouns so that one can understand!

Voir- To see

Je vois

Tu vois

Il voit

Elle voit

On voit- note: this is third person singular with the conguated verb voir

Nous voyons

Vous voyez

Ils voient/Elles voient

II. The pronoun ( NOUS)

The pronoun ( Nous) means (We) also! It falls in the catagory of first person plural! It's not like the pronoun(on) falling under the third person plural! Let's look at an example!

Nous avons la voiture!

Meaning in english

We have the car!

Note: (Nous) is the pronoun! (avons) is the conguated verb of avoir! In order to see the catagory of first person plural! Let's look at the conguated verb of avoir!

Avoir- to have


Tu as

Il a

Elle a

On a

Nous avons- Note: First person plural, along with the conguated verb avoir

Vous avez

Ils ont

Elles ont

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