Sunday, June 13, 2010

French interrogative pronouns- qui vs. que

In the French language, we have noticed the interogative pronouns concerning qui and que! The both of them mean different things in the French language!

The pronoun (qui) is always used to link to a verb in a sentence!
Qui- (who)

Example: Qui est cette personne!?

Note- qui is the pronoun, which (est) is the congutated verb of etre.

Example two: The pronoun (qui) is also used to go after an indefinite or definite article, or the name of a person, but always links with a verb!

1.C'est marcelle qui parle en anglais.

That's marcelle who speaks in english.

marcelle is the name of a person, parle ( is the conguated verb of parler).

2. C'est la directeur qui eseigne le musique.

That's the director who teaches music.

Note: La- is a definite article; among with the noun ( director). Qui is linked to the conguated verb of eseigner.

The pronoun (Que) can be used with articles such as definite or indefinite articles, but is rarely used with verbs! Too, it can link to 1,2,3rd persons such as je, vous, il, elle, nous, elles, ils!

Example 1

Je sais que vous allez au magsin.

I know that you are going to the store!

Note: que: is the pronoun, it's linked to the 2 person plural (Vous)!

Example 2

Nous croyons que les livres sont sur la table!

We believe that the books are on the table!

Note: que- is linking to a definite article! Next, (les) is the definite article, which ( livres) is the plural noun!


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