Monday, February 22, 2010

Using the days of the week in a sentence

Using the days of the week can be sort of confusing if one is an english speak. Overall, the days of the week in French used in a sentence are not the same as structing in the english language. Usually, it is one of the common mistakes in French.First we will look at the days of the week for those who are not fimiliar with them

Lundi- Monday

Mardi- Tuesday

Mercredi- Wednesday

Jeudi - Thursday

Vendredi- Friday

Samedi - Saturday

Dimanche- Sunday

After looking at the days of the week, there are right and wrong terms while using them.

The wrong from:

Nous pouvons aller au resturant sur le lundi

Meaning in english:

We can go to the resturant on monday.

Note: In those who know the preposition (sur) in French means (on)! When one uses to contruct a sentence for the days of the week in french. It is important not to use the preposition (sur) nor (le,la) in order contruct a sentence in French to use one of the days of the week.

The correct form:

Nous pouvons aller au resturant lundi!

Meaning in English:

We can go to the resturant on Monday!

Part II.

This deals with a different structure, but don't get it confused with part one! At the begining of the sentence,the definite article (Le) is required before using one of the days of the week in French. In this case with (le) from the sentence, it will mean (on) in english. Let's look an example below


Le dimanche, Je vais au parc.

Meaning in english:

On Sunday, I am going to the park.

Note:It is important to be careful because this is part of certain mistakes that are made by most people who speak english. Never put (Sur)to begin the sentence, but put (le).

Part III.

If one doesn't want to use (le), but only want to use one of the days of the week. The definite article is not required. Let's look at the example below.

Mardi, Je dois lire mon livre.

Meaning in English

Tuesday, I have to read my book.

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