Monday, March 15, 2010

Expressions with the French verb faire

The French verb faire has many different expressions! It is also a common verb among the french langauge! Before looking at some french verb expressions with faire, we can look at the conjugation of the verb faire in the present tense.

Faire- to do, or to make

Je fais - I do, or I make

Tu fais - You do, or You make

Il fait - He does, or He makes

Elle fait - She does, or She makes

Nous faisons - We do, or We make

Vous faites - You do, or You make

Ils font - They do, or They make

Elles font - They do, or They make

After looking at the conjuation of the present tense verb faire, we are going to look at some expressions.

The weather and temperature

Il fait froid - It's cold

Il fait chaud - It's hot

Il fait mauvais- The weather's bad

Il fait bon - The weather's good

Il fait humide - It's humid

Il fait 30 degrés - It's 30 degrees

Quel temps fait- il - What's the weather like?

Activites at the beach

Faire de la natation - to swim

Faire du surf. - to surf

Faire du ski- nautique - to water-skiing

Faire de la planche à voile - to wind- surf

Faire de la voile - to go sailing

Note: One can use other pronouns and the conjuations of the present tense, which are Je fais, tu fais, Il fait, Elle fait,Nous faisions, vous faites, ils font, and elle font in order to use an expression. Let's use an example from one of the following expressions above.

Je fais de la natation. - I am swiming

Other activites

Faire du vélo - to ride a bike

Faire du shopping - to go shopping

Faire du camping - to camp, or to go camping

Faire du tourisme - to take a tour, or to go touring

Faire du cheval - to ride a horse, or to go horseback riding

Faire du promenade - to go walking, or to go for a walk

Let's use one of the following expressions as an example.

Je fais du cheval - I am riding a horse,or I am going horse back riding.

With working

Faire des courses - to run errands

Faire la vaisselle - to do the dishes

Faire des devoirs - to do homework

Let's use a following example with one of the expressions above!

Example: Vous faites des courses - You are running errands.

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